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Resident Evil Archives

  • PlatinumChaosX
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Feb 1, 2021
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Did anyone ever play the GameCube Resident Evil Remake on Wii or Resident Evil 0 ?

I did and honestly I really enjoyed them, I had played the GameCube versions but it was pretty satisfying using the Wii controller for the game, there is no motion controls, it's literally just the same game overall, but I just really enjoyed it.

I am planning to buy both of them for Wii again to bolster my Resident Evil Collection overall and I like the discs on the Wii too, especially the Resident Evil 0 disc.

Another plus was not having the change the discs over. :v

Capcom are known for re-releasing games over and over in general so it didn't surprise me when they re-released these two games for the Wii.

I've not actually heard of these... that's a first for me! I thought I knew them all. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: I've played the GameCube versions and the PC ports.. had no clue they put them out on Wii though.

So how does it even work? Do you just control it with a sideways wii remote? It seems strange that they would put the work in to produce these as the Wii console literally plays GameCube games. I guess it's less hassle overall as you can play with a wireless wii remote.
Likewise, I had no idea they got a release on Wii.. I'm guessing the graphics were somewhere between the GameCube versions and the HD remasters?

I'm not so keen on the boxarts, but perhaps that's just me being picky 😅
So I had a little look into these and apparently they DID make a few slight changes which are unique to these versions.

Chiefly, they changed one of the fonts in Resident Evil 0 and they also re-recorded or replaced some sound effects which isn't found in any other editions.
Yeah only minor changes, you just control the game with the Nunchuck and Wiimote, no motion or pointer controls though ahahaha.

I just prefer these versions myself though as they are so niche ahahahaha. No graphical updates that I know of, they didn't even put them in 16:9, they are still 4:3, which I don't mind, I like to play these on the Wii Mini on a CRT rather than popping them into my Wii U ahahaha.

I do have a normal Wii but I don't really use it anymore.

I'll get a short video ASAP of me running the games on a Wii Mini on a CRT ahahaha.

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