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Any foods you WONT eat?


Sep 24, 2020
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I'm just sat here eating some calamari (deep fried squid) and I know a lot of people would never try it. Or they have and they hate the rubbery texture..

Got me thinking.. what foods are you not willing to try, as the idea of it sounds nasty? If you're vegetarian/vegan or have allergies or religious reasons etc that doesn't count. I mean foods you could eat, but won't.

Things that spring to mind for me..

Jellied Eels, Surstromming… basically any super goopy or smelly fish food.
I stayed away from calamari for a very long time. Tried it at a restaurant with squid ink mayo for the first time and loved it! Ended up trying squid made in different ways as well after that.

I would eat mushrooms and olives. The list is very long to be fair but those two are the most common foods I wouldn't bother with.
I won't eat Shark meat for moral reasons (and it's actually pretty dangerous to do so).

I can't stand Liver.. it makes me gip 🤢
Most foods tbh... I'm so damn picky. I really only tend to stick to the same 5 or 6 different meals.

But if theres 1 food I genuinely detest it's probably fish (just in general), absolutely horrific.

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