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Smilies / emojis

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Oblivion Knight

Bang bang!
Sep 22, 2020
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As if there weren't enough smilies to choose from thanks to XenForo's emoji integration with JoyPixels, Umbrella Online has taken advantage of being a project purely for enjoyment and generating zero revenue. This makes it eligible to use the Free license offered by JoyPixels for their "extended" set. Whilst I've chosen not to implement them all due to technical limitations, the majority are included and a full list can be found in the Help section.

Smilies are used throughout the interactive elements of Umbrella Online where you are able to write and submit messages. There is a "Smilies" button on the toolbar of the editor giving you access to use of all the available smilies. This button may be hidden under a vertical ellipsis "More options..." dropdown depending on the size of your screen.

The smilies are even searchable (as above) to make it easier finding the smilie that you want to use! :zombie_nerd:
I am loving some of these new emojis. Some really good additions, nice work :zombie_partying::ski_goggles:

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