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Binge Watching

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Oct 10, 2020
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Do you guys binge watch TV shows when they release a full seasons worth of episodes at once? Or do you prefer to slowly watch them so that you don't finish it quickly? Depending on the show, I love to binge-watch it ASAP so that there isn't a risk of spoilers. Plus, I'm not patient to slowly watch it lol
I kinda refuse to watch things on 'regular tv' these days, commercial breaks every 20 minutes or so is infuriating, especially as it's the same handful of adverts. I just can't watch anything that's broken up.

Also if there is a series streaming and they're gradually releasing episodes.. I'll tend to wait until they're all out (or at least a handful are) so I can watch them without worrying about having to wait.

I wouldn't say I binge watch as such as I kinda get bored of sitting on my couch after 2 episodes of something.
I used to binge watch Anime a lot. Have only done that a few times with shows. One I did do that with was a show called the Originals which was one of the best vampire and werewolf shows I've seen in a while. There have been shows I've done that in the past. Though I tend to like all kinds of anime.

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